Keywords are reserved words by a programming language. These are reserved by a programming language for a specific task. C has total 32 reserved words whose task is pre-defined and we can not use these keywords for our other purpose.
The C keywords are:
int, float, long, double, char, void, return, if, else, switch, goto, break, continue, while, do, for etc.
1 | Int | 9 | Extern | 17 | For | 25 | Size of |
2 | Char | 10 | Goto | 18 | Const | 26 | Short |
3 | Float | 11 | Break | 19 | If | 27 | Struct |
4 | Double | 12 | Continue | 20 | Else | 28 | Union |
5 | Void | 13 | Do | 21 | Enum | 29 | Typedef |
6 | Auto | 14 | Switch | 22 | Signed | 30 | Votatile |
7 | Register | 15 | Case | 23 | Unsigned | 31 | Default |
8 | Return | 16 | While | 24 | Static | 32 | Log |